Maïkan Nature

Body care for the entire pack

Body care for the entire packbackground icon - target

In the early stages of development, Maïkan Nature has entrusted us with the task of creating an environmentally-conscious brand with a strong affinity for nature. This new company aims to sell cosmetics products online for the whole family, focusing on natural ingredients. During our initial meeting, their concept is already well-defined; with a name like Maïkan, it's no surprise that product development and sales tools will revolve around a wolf theme. In the short term, the company aims to compete in the Quebec and Ontario markets, which poses a significant challenge given the highly competitive nature of these markets. To achieve this goal, they will require comprehensive support to successfully launch their products, generate excitement for their diverse product lines, and drive sales.

The brand and its colors

It's well known that in a wolf pack, there's always a dominant wolf that dictates the rules. To allow the Maïkan Nature brand to assert dominance in its market, we needed to create a strong and charismatic image to persuade customers to try high-quality products. From the alpha male to the cubs, we diversified the entire range based on the parent brand, ensuring each product had a catchy name and appropriate color palette.

The iconography

Maïkan is proud to use only natural products to prevent allergies and other harmful effects. To illustrate this important aspect of Maïkan products, a range of icons visually identifies the ingredients used on packaging and on the website.

The packaging and photography direction

This project was a wonderful challenge for our creative team, who developed several product lines (Lupa, Alpha, Baloo) targeting different audiences (men, women, and children). In addition to branding, we created a color palette, an illustration bank to represent ingredients, and a selection of names for each variation, which were then applied to packaging formats. Furthermore, the company utilized our artistic direction expertise to create visual content for the website and social media. The colors, scents, and flavors are palpable when viewing the results of the photo shoot, and we are pleased to have done justice to the natural products used in creating Maïkan's offerings.

The packaging and photography direction
The packaging and photography direction
The packaging and photography direction
The packaging and photography direction
The user experience

Website navigation should be simple and instinctive, especially when the ultimate goal is to guide the user through the purchasing process. Creating user accounts, efficient search filters, effective use of CTAs (Call to Actions), ease of adding products to the shopping cart, and ensuring smooth order placement processes are all critical factors for the success of the user experience on this e-commerce site.

The user experience
The marketing strategy

Creating an online store can generate significant revenue for a company like Maïkan Nature, but just like a physical store, customers don't come knocking without effort. To successfully launch their products, a comprehensive digital marketing strategy was essential. A highly targeted social media campaign proved highly effective in driving traffic to the online store. A well-crafted product catalog directed at the right audience is always a winning strategy to guide users to the checkout. Utilizing AdWords, Google Shopping, and planning newsletters were also integral parts of our strategy, allowing us to implement retargeting effectively—a powerful tool in online commerce to stay competitive.

The marketing strategy
Deux ciblesDeux cibles


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