
Developer Back-End

Beyond the Mandate and Further!

Always as diligent as the stork that never stops by his place, Pierre-Luc is our coding virtuoso, juggling technical challenges with unmatched control. He is our master of the back-end and an outstanding problem solver at the agency.

Constantly seeking to develop the most powerful web solutions within the web department, Pierre-Luc always aims to deliver added value to clients. Endowed with limitless curiosity, he ventures into conquering new technologies guided by his passion. Guilty of many late-night sessions endlessly browsing the web, Pierre-Luc also stands out for his great patience, relevance, and infinite calm. He achieves all this while being a father of four (yes, four times over). His analytical mind and constant desire to advance projects beyond the mandate make him an exceptional team player.

Outside the digital world, Pierre-Luc enjoys riding his longboard, zooming down streets with the same agility he applies to solving complex problems. With his passion for computers and fearless spirit, Pierre-Luc brings a unique energy to our team, turning each day into a new adventure!


  • Back-end programming
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